Saturday, 24 May 2014

How To Choose a Yoga Teacher Training Program

Choosing a Yoga Teacher Training Program in Vancouver is making an investment into your future. It isn’t always easy, and with so many options available, new teachers can be scared away before they even get started.

We know how overwhelming choosing a program can be – we’ve been there! – and want to help. Here are a few tips on how to choose the right program for you.

Listen to your heart. Your intuition is one of the most valuable tools when selecting a teacher. Sometimes, despite all the advice to the contrary, you connect with a teacher you know little about, or someone who may have less experience than others. Having a heartfelt connection to your teacher can mean the difference between just learning how to teach and thriving in your role as an instructor.

Research the market in your area. Are many jobs available? Are teachers struggling to find work? Is there a gap between what work is available and who is qualified to teach it? Maybe there's a need for a certain style in your neighborhood, and you would be the perfect fit once you're done your Vancouver yoga teacher training. Look at what your community needs, and try to align your yoga teacher training to fit that.

Consider time and cost. Programs vary in the commitment they need from you, both financially and physically. Will you be sacrificing too much with one program? Will another program take too long? Think about how much you want to invest in your training, and how much time to have you commit to the course, and keep that in mind when you're looking at programs.

Ask questions. The right and reputable studio will welcome questions. Be sure to remember to ask them!

Remember that you're always a student, even when your training is over. Follow your intuition, research your options, and the right studio and yoga training program will find you.

We’d love to discuss our Vancouver yoga teacher training program with you – connect with us on Facebook or Twitter to learn more! Want to learn more on How To Become A Yoga Instructor? Check out our Blog to learn more.