Sunday, 20 January 2013

Staying on Track with Your New Year’s Resolution

Every New Year’s, approximately 45% of all North Americans make resolutions.  The top resolutions include losing weight, exercising more frequently, eating a balanced diet and living a healthier and fuller life.  While research shows that only 14% of individuals who make resolutions actually achieve them, it is important not to lose sight of your goals. If you are finding yourself less motivated, here are a few tips to keep you focused and on track with your resolution.

1.  Track Your Progress

If you plan on exercising more this year, write out your daily or weekly accomplishments. Create a chart and track out each minute you put towards your goal. If weight loss is your resolution, weigh yourself each morning and keep a diary to stay on track. It is important to also remember that your progress will fluctuate. Some days will be better than others. Obsessing over the occasional slip won’t help in achieving goals—we are all human! It is important to try your best and take one day at a time.

2.  Make a Calendar

If time is what keeps you from achieving your New Year’s resolution, use a calendar. Break up your day and write out all responsibilities and time commitments. Set a block of time aside specifically for your resolution. By visually seeing your daily task, you will be more inclined to follow it.

3.  Surround Yourself With Friends

Social support is critical in changing behavior and achieving goals. Friends and family help keep you on track with your resolution and provide emotional support when you slip-up. If you spend meaningful time with good friends, your mood and outlook will likely improve. Instead of obsessing on things you haven’t been doing, you are likely to feel more encouraged and motivated and will stick to your goals.

Another great option for achieving any fitness resolutions this year is to join Naked Truth’s Vancouver Yoga Teacher Training program. We are now booking appointments for our yoga program this spring. Please contact us if you have any questions.

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